Civil War

Cotton had taken over America for better, and for worse
-Not only was the South economically reliant on cotton, but the North was  having an Industrial Revolution
-Tension was rising on the issue of slavery
      -The North, in general, felt it was morally wrong. 
      -Slavery was ingrained into the Southern culture, because plantation owners thought of slaves as a right/property  
      -As America gained more land, the South wanted to make slave states
              -The more land they had would increase their cotton empire 
(The issues of the Civil War was much more complex, and cotton and the cotton gin were only one of the many reasons why the Civil War was started. During the Civil War, slavery was abolished and the South was in need of a new system of labor.) 

Primary Account:
James Henry Hammond:

Hammond made his famous speech in front of the senate on March 4, 1858. In his speech, he stated, "No, you dare not make a war out of cotton.  No power on Earth dares to make a war out of cotton.  Cotton is King."  Cotton was not just a cash crop, it was a phenomenon and it was extremely significant.
This is a cartoon of King Cotton from Britian shows America destroying the cotton kingdom because of the disunion.